all postcodes in OX16 / BANBURY

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Postcode Area

OX / Oxford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
OX16 3ED 4 4 52.072902 -1.318343
OX16 3EL 1 1 52.072891 -1.318358
OX16 3ES 1 1 52.074783 -1.326719
OX16 3HA 37 1 52.064711 -1.32636
OX16 3HB 58 0 52.066437 -1.326319
OX16 3HD 45 0 52.066228 -1.325929
OX16 3HE 16 0 52.067515 -1.326274
OX16 3HF 7 0 52.06832 -1.327006
OX16 3HG 36 0 52.067798 -1.325453
OX16 3HH 18 0 52.068 -1.327653
OX16 3HJ 42 0 52.068403 -1.32575
OX16 3HL 35 0 52.068586 -1.323253
OX16 3HN 6 0 52.069053 -1.321641
OX16 3HP 14 0 52.069409 -1.322438
OX16 3HQ 42 0 52.067542 -1.327776
OX16 3HR 22 0 52.069763 -1.321586
OX16 3HS 5 0 52.070384 -1.321621
OX16 3HT 7 0 52.070064 -1.322238
OX16 3HU 29 0 52.069982 -1.323611
OX16 3HW 18 0 52.068503 -1.321299